The eruv is kosher for Shabbat 18-19 August 2023 / 2 Ellul 5783

The Council of Orthodox Synagogues of Victoria (COSV) disassociates itself from the synagogue and its members who have not complied with the current COVID regulations.

This particular congregation reported in the media over the Jewish New Year holiday, is a fringe element of Melbourne Jewry and is not a member of the Council of Orthodox Synagogues of Victoria. The COSV member and affiliate synagogues abided by the regulations set out by the Victorian government over the festival.

We applaud all our community members who observed the New Year safely and in line with the current restrictions.

The COSV supports the government in its drive to get vaccinated and we encourage all Victorians to abide by the current rules in place, so that we can return to living our lives post-COVID as soon as possible.