The eruv is kosher for Shabbat 20-21 September 2024 / 18 Ellul 5784

The Eruv was established by the Mizrachi Organisation under the Rabbinic supervision of Rav Shimon Eider, Rabbi Boruch Abaranok and Rabbi Feitl Lewin. Shortly after the COSV joined forces with Mizrachi in the administration of Melbourne Eruv with the assistance of Adass Israel and Kollel Beth HaTalmud ,and under the halachic control and supervision of Rabbi Z.Beck, Rabbi Jack Simcha Cohen, Dayan Katz and subsequently Rabbi Yaakov Sprung, Rabbi S.Kahn, Rav Danny Mirvis, Rabbi Yisrael Greenwald, Rabbi Yonason Johnson and Rav Alan Kimche.

With the assistance of Mizrachi, Kollel Beth Hatalmud and the Adass Israel, and under the Halachic control and supervision originally of Rabbi S. Eider, Rabbi Z.Beck and more recently of Rabbi S Kohn of Adass Israel, weekly inspections of the Eruv takes place and any necessary repairs are undertaken on an immediacy basis thereby ensuring that the Eruv is halachically reliable for the ensuing Shabbat.

In 2006, reflecting the demographic changes in an expanding community, the Eruv was expanded from its initial coverage of Caulfield, St Kilda, Elwood and Brighton to include Moorabbin, Carnegie and Bentleigh.

Northern expansion of Melbourne Eruv

Melbourne Eruv is pleased to announce that the area covered by Melbourne Eruv is expanded to the north. Cabrini Malvern, The Avenue Hospital in Windsor and Malvern Chabad are now inside the eruv boundary, as are many residences that were previously not included.

The Melbourne Eruv app has been updated in both app stores. To download the app, search for ‘Melbourne Eruv’ in the Google Play or Apple iOS iTunes app store, or use these links: or


Please ensure that you have the latest version of the app on your smartphone. If the eruv area shown on the map is only south of Dandenong Road, then you need to update the app. The new version of the app shows the eruv area extended to the north, including parts of Armadale, Malvern, Toorak and other suburbs. Please familiarise yourself with the new eruv boundary.